This property is comprised of and 80-acre tract and contiguous quarter section (minus a building site in the southeast corner) of irrigated cropland in northeastern Antelope County, Nebraska, accessed by county-maintained gravel roads to the east and south. Soils are mainly comprised of Lawet silt loam and Doger and Thurman loamy fine sand with slopes ranging from 0% to 6%.
The E½NE¼ was developed for irrigation in 2023 with a new irrigation well and electric irrigation equipment. The 10 tower Valley center pivot irrigation system runs a ½ circle and irrigates approximately 71.09 acres according to the Antelope County Assessor. Real estate taxes for 2024 are $2,179.12. The SE¼ (except for 12.62 acre building site in the SE corner) is irrigated by a 7 tower Reinke center pivot irrigation system that makes a complete circle, and irrigates approximately 110.65 acres according to the Antelope County Assessor. There is a 23,000 bushel GSI drying bin in the southwest corner of the SE¼, which was erected in 2014. It is in good working order. Real estate taxes for 2024 are $3,862.72. Possession for the 2025 crop year.
154.58 acre dryland farm. 121.56 acres of good quality cropland, silt and clay loams with minimal slopes. Great access to and from Highway #81. Subject to 2022 lease. Available for closing on or before March 1, 2023.